Welcome to Our Little Corner of the Internet - A Helping of Health!

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The alarm sounds for the third time this morning. Or is it the fourth? I don’t remember, but I know the time we have left to be out the door is slowly creeping away. Begrudgingly I force myself out of bed. Eyes water as sharp light hits for the first time. Lumbering towards the coffee machine, I grab the matching Hubby and Wifey mugs out of the cabinet, splash in a bit of almond milk, and fill them to the brim.

    Little conversation is had as we both scramble to prepare for the morning. Sink space is alternated, breakfast prepared, showers are had. We manage to get out the door unceremoniously and head off to work.

    But something is different today. We’re both tired. Not just the usual, not-enough-sleep tired. Tired of this routine-turned-rut. Is this really it? We’ve worked so hard, studied long, painful hours, and committed so much of our lives to be here. Why is it not all we wanted it to be?

    There is something we’re missing in our lives. Chances are it’s not just us; we, as humans, have eliminated something important. Somewhere along the lines, a key element of life has slipped away and in it’s void we search to replace it with more hours at the office, more stuff to fill our homes, and more stress to weigh us down. For some reason, it has become a point of pride to respond with “busy” when someone inquires how we’ve been. Why? What is the point of all of the business? As a society, we’ve become a slave to things, fallen prey to the rat race, and we proudly proclaim it.

    After months of talking, researching, and planning, we have determined what we’re missing and we’ve put into action a plan to change. We are returning to our roots. Our focus is to live a (mostly) self-sufficient, minimal waste, and health-based lifestyle through urban homesteading, proper nutrition with delicious foods, and doing our part to give mother earth a helping hand. Our goal is to use our education to do something more useful and beneficial than what they’re currently being used for and to find a sense of peace and simplicity in everyday life. 

    We hope you follow along on our adventure and that you learn something along the way! I can’t promise we’ll always be able to tell you what to do, but we’ll definitely be able to show you what not to do!


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