How To Start Your New Year Diet-Free!

As 2021 comes to a close you have no doubt been bombarded with a variety of pictures, videos, and commercials advertising the next new diet that “actually works” (sigh). If you are anything like me or my nutrition counseling clients, you have probably tried every diet under the sun in the past, and you probably feel you “failed” them as well. You have been trapped in the miserable cycle of dieting. You beat yourself up for making mistakes and falling off the diet wagon, so you tell yourself “I’ll start again on Monday.” This is followed by an even more strict set of food rules, which are inevitably impossible to stick to, leading to you once again falling off the wagon. Thus you repeat the cycle again and again, each time becoming more strict with food and feeling more guilt than the week before. Oh, and because of this lovely, never-ending cycle you end up gaining even more weight than you initially started with, becoming more frustrated and depressed than before, and have completely forgotten how to listen to your body’s hunger and fullness cues.

But guess what? It doesn’t have to be this way. Food and dieting does not have to rule your life. I know - crazy, right?

And even more - food can actually be an enjoyable part of your every day life without causing you guilt, shame, stress, or massive weight fluctuations. Now tell me, have any of your previous diets ever been able to give you this type of freedom and peace around food? My guess is a definitive no.

At this point you may be thinking “okay that’s cool and all Aubrey, but how can I stop dieting for good and find this freedom and peace with food that you’ve eluded to?” I’m so glad you asked! The answer is adopting an intuitive eating lifestyle.

So what is an intuitive eating lifestyle, exactly?

Intuitive eating (IE) is a way of eating that encompasses the mind, body, and soul. In other words, it addresses and effects all parts of you and recognizes that eating has to do with so much more than just what you put into your mouth. IE allows you to cultivate a healthy and positive relationship with food and your body that ebbs and flows with this exciting thing called life. It is a flexible, enjoyable, and sustainable way of eating, moving, and thinking that allows you to break free from diet culture once and for all.

IE teaches you how to get back in touch with your hunger and fullness cues and to learn to listen to what your body is asking for at any given time. It allows you to eat and thoroughly enjoy any and all types of foods that you find satiating and satisfying without restrictions, rules, or limitations. IE also tackles tough life experiences such as emotional eating, dealing with negative self-talk and re-framing your mindset around your body, along with countless other potentially harmful habits.

As a recovering dieter turned intuitive eater myself, I can truly say that I never thought it was possible for me to have a healthy and positive relationship with food and my body. Intuitive eating has been my saving grace and it brings me an immense amount of joy to help others who are struggling finally find peace with food and their bodies through the intuitive eating principles.

Are you ready to make peace with food? To eat, move, and think in a way that is guilt free, stress free, flexible, and sustainable for the rest of your life? If so, I would love to connect with and coach you in your journey any way I can! Feel free to reach out to me here or enter your email to set up a discovery call with me here!

I look forward to hearing from you and can’t wait to see what we can accomplish together!


Aubrey, RD


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